At Bonney Lake Family Eye Care, Dr. Kaur specializes in providing the Bonney Lake, Puyallup and Tacoma area with effective, specialized treatment options to control the progression of myopia. By stopping or even halting the progression of myopia, we reduce these long-term risks to best ensure that your child enjoys seeing the world with healthy eyes throughout his or her life.
Dr.Kaur is now a certified provider in CooperVision's Brilliant Futures Myopia Management Program.
The MiSight daily disposable lenses are therapeutic contact lenses that are clinically proven and FDA approved to slow the progression of myopia. Children, ages 8-12 years old, showed a 59% reduction in the worsening of their vision compared to those that did not wear MiSight contact lenses
Why MiSight?
Daily disposable contact lens.
Children love it! 90% of children in the MiSight clinical trials expressed a strong preference for MiSight 1 day contact lenses over their glasses at the 5 year visit.
Actively participate in school sports without worrying about breaking glasses.
Improve quality of life!
If your child’s prescription continues to worsen annually, it is important to seek early intervention. Make sure to talk to your family eye doctor about myopia management options.
